Posts Tagged: realism
“Japanese vase II” floral still life
6×6 inches oil on primed panel Second oriental themed still life, the 10 day auction for this painting will start tonight at 6 40pm Pacific time. click here to bid
Japanese vase with yellow flowers and orange
I recently acquired this Japanese vase and added it to my collection of still life props, in this instance I used it in a combination with orange and I think it went well color-wise since it bonded all objects organically.
Originals – paintings and drawings for sale!
I’ve listed some older paintings and drawings for direct purchase online, an accumulation of works over a period of time… View all artwork – a handful of them on a really low starting bid auction, they are
“Angel” Standing female nude figure 5×7 oil painting
Standing female nude figure with an ethereal twist to it, standard palette used, as for most of my figures, for the flesh tones: white, lemon yellow, cad red, alizarin crimson and ultramarine blue, for the darks in the background a
Lauren Original female portrait 10×14 painting on canvas
I painted this portrait about 2-3 years ago but this is the first time it’s available for sale, it is slightly larger then my usual small size portraits like 5×7’s or 6×8’s so I think that’s nice for a change,