Posts Tagged: mountain
"Fireman’s ridge" 8×10 California Plein air landscape oil painting – Available
8″ x 10″ Oil on canvas on panelThis is a plein air study that I did yesterday on location in the Brentwood hills, this ridge is around an old fireman’s road that’s not in use anymore, on the south it
"Crossroads" Santa Monica mountains Artwork landscape in oil – Available
5″ x 7″ Oil on canvas panelThis is a view from one of the higher parts of the Santa Monica mountains and its interesting to follow this little paths that interconnect amongst the mountains, it’s pretty windy here as a
"Curve cliff" California Impressionist landscape painting by L.A. Artist – Available
purchase info5″ x 7″ Oil on canvas panel
The hidden trail – Plein Air Impressionist landscape paintings by California artist
5″ x 7″ Oil on gessoed panelIt’s one of those places where there’s a naturally formed trail by the mountain that’s not so obvious to first glance, it took my attention and I was painting frantically before the day ceases
The Sacred Mountain
Click to BID “The Sacred Mountain” 12″ x 16″ Oil on Canvas Panel, Auction starts @ 8.30Pm.The world looks so much different when you are on the top of a mountain, everything seems to be less significant, thats why I