Posts Tagged: plein air
By the lake
Female nude figure en plein air sketch. 6×8 inches oil on canvas paper, varnished
Coastal rocks
Adriatic coast plein air landscape. 5×7 oil on primed canvas panelclick here to view the auction
Far from nature
How much further from our own very selves and nature can we get away? As technology advances and human usage of it increases are we just losing more fundamental parts of our self? 5 x 7 inches oil on primed
“Afternoon” 6×6 cityscape with female figure painting
Color and light of the day, changing each second, objects and subjects reflecting each other, energies spiraling up and down, movement of people bypassing one another without ever interacting. 6×6 inches oil on canvas click here to buy
“Nude with umbrella” female figure plein air oil painting
This was ‘handled’ in an impressionistic manner, painted with bristle brushes for direct and decisive brushstrokes.There’s no lack of color under the open California sky so I used even some Cobalt blue that’s not always on my palette, utilizing a