Posts Tagged: oil painting
“Antique cup with a white rose” 6×6 oil on canvas
Second still life from the same day, this one’s gotta more rustic feel to it and similar chroma, painted under cool light – meaning cold light. The 7 day auction for this small painting has started. 6×6 oil on canvas
“Peeled orange” 6×6 still life oil on canvas
Color, light/dark and textures, this is the latest still life, I’m starting a new series of these kind of paintings, I’ll be using various objects that peek my interest, under different light conditions… 6×6 oil on canvas click here to
“In bed” female nude in an interior oil painting
Intimist piece, private space, female body illuminated in the night, slightly covering, no words, just images. 5×7 oil on canvas panel click here to view the auction
Portrait of a young man – sidelit oil painting
Here’s a new portrait sketch that’s fresh off the easel, kept it loose with the brushwork and it also came out as a nice color study, the painting is brighter and has even more color when seen in person. 6×8′
“Angel” Standing female nude figure 5×7 oil painting
Standing female nude figure with an ethereal twist to it, standard palette used, as for most of my figures, for the flesh tones: white, lemon yellow, cad red, alizarin crimson and ultramarine blue, for the darks in the background a